Thursday, the Senate passed legislation to end air traffic controller furloughs and stop flight delays. The house is expected to vote today.
Under the legislation, the Federal Aviation Administration would gain authority to transfer up to $253 million from accounts of other programs, to "prevent reduced operations and staffing" through the September 30th, the end of the fiscal year.
This would restore the full staff of controllers, and prevent the closing of small airport towers around the country. Those closures would have been the result of the sequester which went into effect last month.
Following the vote, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated, "It will be good news for America's traveling public if Congress spares them these unnecessary delays. But ultimately, this is no more than a temporary Band-Aid that fails to address the overarching threat to our economy posed by the sequester's mindless, across-the-board cuts."
Under the legislation, the Federal Aviation Administration would gain authority to transfer up to $253 million from accounts of other programs, to "prevent reduced operations and staffing" through the September 30th, the end of the fiscal year.
This would restore the full staff of controllers, and prevent the closing of small airport towers around the country. Those closures would have been the result of the sequester which went into effect last month.
Following the vote, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney stated, "It will be good news for America's traveling public if Congress spares them these unnecessary delays. But ultimately, this is no more than a temporary Band-Aid that fails to address the overarching threat to our economy posed by the sequester's mindless, across-the-board cuts."