The United Kingdom, France, China, Russia and Germany along with the European Union, have achieved a long-term comprehensive nuclear deal with Iran that will prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
This deal stands on the foundation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), achieved in November of 2013, and the framework for this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), announced in Lausanne on April 2, 2015 that set the requirements for the deal.
This deal ensures IAEA access when needed, where needed to verify the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.
Under this deal:
This deal stands on the foundation of the Joint Plan of Action (JPOA), achieved in November of 2013, and the framework for this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), announced in Lausanne on April 2, 2015 that set the requirements for the deal.
This deal ensures IAEA access when needed, where needed to verify the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.
Under this deal:
Building a nuclear bomb requires either uranium or plutonium. But thanks to this deal, Iran’s four possible ways to leverage those fissile materials are blocked.
Iran must reduce its stockpile of uranium by 98%, and will keep its level of uranium enrichment at 3.67% , significantly below the enrichment level needed to create a bomb.