When you think of Donald Trump, you think of grand hotels, luscious resorts, beautiful golf clubs and fabulous properties in the most beautiful cities around the world. You might think of that wildly popular television show, "Celebrity Apprentice." You know the one where Mr. Trump at the end says "You're Fired!" You think of this crazy rich, tall, loud, businessman/celebrity /reality star. But American's next Commander in Chief?
When asked why Mr. Trump believes he is qualified to be the next Republican President Of The United States? It's not because he has governed a state, or been elected mayor of a major metropolitan city, or served as a member of congress. He says, it's because he is really smart and can turn America around and make it great again.
Mr. Trump is quite proud of the fact that he is not a politician. He thinks that our leaders are stupid. According to Mr.Trump, America is on the edge of financial ruin and only he and his business expertise can save the country.
Donald trump says that he will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created. He will bring back jobs from China, Japan and Mexico. "I’ll bring back our money. There is so much wealth out there that can make our country rich again. We’re dying, we’re dying, we have to do it. We need the right people."
Donald Trump says that he will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, stop illegal immigration from Mexico by as he puts it, "building a great, great wall on the southern border." He also vows to immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration and repeal "Obamacare."
So how much is the celebrity businessman really worth? Last week "The Donald" proudly boasted that he has a fortune of about $10 billion dollars. Impressive right? Lucky for us, presidential candidates are required to file personal financial disclosure reports detailing their finances.
On Wednesday, The Federal Election Commission released the 92 page document, which lists Mr. Trump's assets at $1.4 billion dollars. How can this be? $1.4 billion dollars isn't close to $10 billion dollars. Mr. Trump, we gotcha! Not really. Presidential candidates are only required to list their assets, liabilities and income from the previous year in broad ranges. For now, it is impossible to to know exactly how much Mr. Trump's financial net worth is.
Read more http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/22/politics/donald-trump-personal-financial-disclosure/
When asked why Mr. Trump believes he is qualified to be the next Republican President Of The United States? It's not because he has governed a state, or been elected mayor of a major metropolitan city, or served as a member of congress. He says, it's because he is really smart and can turn America around and make it great again.
Mr. Trump is quite proud of the fact that he is not a politician. He thinks that our leaders are stupid. According to Mr.Trump, America is on the edge of financial ruin and only he and his business expertise can save the country.
Donald trump says that he will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created. He will bring back jobs from China, Japan and Mexico. "I’ll bring back our money. There is so much wealth out there that can make our country rich again. We’re dying, we’re dying, we have to do it. We need the right people."
Donald Trump says that he will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, stop illegal immigration from Mexico by as he puts it, "building a great, great wall on the southern border." He also vows to immediately terminate President Obama’s illegal executive order on immigration and repeal "Obamacare."
So how much is the celebrity businessman really worth? Last week "The Donald" proudly boasted that he has a fortune of about $10 billion dollars. Impressive right? Lucky for us, presidential candidates are required to file personal financial disclosure reports detailing their finances.
On Wednesday, The Federal Election Commission released the 92 page document, which lists Mr. Trump's assets at $1.4 billion dollars. How can this be? $1.4 billion dollars isn't close to $10 billion dollars. Mr. Trump, we gotcha! Not really. Presidential candidates are only required to list their assets, liabilities and income from the previous year in broad ranges. For now, it is impossible to to know exactly how much Mr. Trump's financial net worth is.
Read more http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/22/politics/donald-trump-personal-financial-disclosure/