41-year-old Cuban-American Florida Senator Marco Rubio said that was he honored to respond to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address on behalf of fellow republicans.
Rubio congratulated the president on his second term and said that he was especially honored to be addressing the brave men and women serving in the armed forces and diplomatic posts around the world. “You may be thousands of miles away, but you are always in our prayers.” The Senator talked about his parents. His mom was a maid and cashier, and his dad a bartender.
He spoke about being a child of immigrant parents who he said achieved their dream of becoming middle-class by hard work and perseverance. His accomplishments are a testament to that. “I didn’t inherit any money from them. But I inherited something far better: the real opportunity to accomplish my dreams. This opportunity -- to make it to the middle class or beyond no matter where you start out in life -- it isn’t bestowed on us from Washington. It comes from a vibrant free economy where people can risk their own money to open a business, and when they succeed, they hire more people, who in turn invest or spend the money they make, helping others start a business and create jobs.”
Rubio accused the president of attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with him. “So, Mr. President, I don’t oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors, hard-working middle-class Americans who don’t need us to come up with a plan to grow the government. They need a plan to grow the middle class.”
He stated that more government is not the answer to help Americans get ahead. More Government will not inspire new ideas, opportunities, businesses or private sector jobs. But rather create uncertainty which will ultimately hold you back.
He believes that bigger Government hurts the middle class. More Government breeds complicated rules that negatively impacts small businesses. Rubio stated when employer’s taxes are increases they pass that cost onto their employees. They cut hours, lower wages, eliminate benefits, and sometimes even downsizing.
Senator Rubio stated that all government is not bad and does have a place. “It plays a crucial part in keeping us safe, enforcing rules, and providing some security against the risks of modern life.”
Rubio said that the republican plan to help the economy is a far better one than that of the President. Republican plan: Invest in solar and wind energy stating that “God also blessed us with -- America with abundant coal, oil, and natural gas,” and that lowering the corporate tax rate will encourage companies to bring jobs back to America from overseas. Encourage local school districts to offer more vocational and career training, and advanced placement courses, and Give parents the opportunity to send their children to the school of their choice.
Overall Senator Rubio got high marks from fellow republicans regarding his rebuttal to the President’s State of the Union address. And Twitter and the Internet was on fire with jokes about the Senator being so thirsty during his remarks, that he reached for a bottle of spring water. Taking a sip all while keeping eye contact with the camera.
Rubio obviously has a sense of humor, he commented via twitter
"Picked up over 13,000 new followers on #twitter since last night!," his official Twitter account tweeted Wednesday afternoon. "I’m going to start drinking #water in the middle of all of my speeches!"