Senator was confirmed at the new Secretary of State. President Barack Obama nominated Massachusetts Democratic Senator John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as the next Secretary of State. John Kerry who is the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee is a decorated war veteran who served two tours of duty in Vietnam in the Unites States Navy. On his second tour, Kerry served on a Swift boat in the river deltas, one of the most dangerous assignments of the war. He received Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Combat V and three purple hearts.
After returning from Vietnam in 1969, deeply affected by his time in the war, Kerry worked to support other veterans.
He cofounded the Vietnam Veterans of America to fight for veterans’ benefits. Including the extension of the G.I. Bill for Higher Education and for treatment of Post
Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
President Obama stated “In a sense, John’s entire life has prepared him for this role. As the son of a Foreign Service officer, he has a deep respect for the men and women of the State Department --the role they play in advancing our interests and values, the risks that they undertake and the sacrifices that they make along with their families.
Having served with valor in Vietnam, he understands that we have a responsibility to use American power wisely, especially our military power. And he knows, from personal experience, that when we send our troops into harm’s way, we must give them the sound strategy, a clear mission, and the resources that they need to get the job done.”
John Kerry has worked on the Iran-Contra scandal, global AIDS, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, he worked to learn the truth about American soldiers missing in Vietnam and to normalize relations with that country. He is the ranking Democrat on the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, and the leading expert on that region, including North Korea.
He has been a leading voice on American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terrorism, the Middle East peace process and Israel's security.
Today, Senator Kerry is the tenth most senior Senator and the second longest serving Senator in his seat. He also holds senior positions on the Finance, Commerce, and Small Business Committees .During his service in the Senate for almost 30 years, John Kerry has earned the respect and confidence from his senate colleagues both Democrat and Republican as well as world leaders.
John has been instrumental in advancing many of the President’s foreign policies. Including the “ratification of the New START Treaty, the challenges of Sudan and South Sudan and Afghanistan.”
After returning from Vietnam in 1969, deeply affected by his time in the war, Kerry worked to support other veterans.
He cofounded the Vietnam Veterans of America to fight for veterans’ benefits. Including the extension of the G.I. Bill for Higher Education and for treatment of Post
Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
President Obama stated “In a sense, John’s entire life has prepared him for this role. As the son of a Foreign Service officer, he has a deep respect for the men and women of the State Department --the role they play in advancing our interests and values, the risks that they undertake and the sacrifices that they make along with their families.
Having served with valor in Vietnam, he understands that we have a responsibility to use American power wisely, especially our military power. And he knows, from personal experience, that when we send our troops into harm’s way, we must give them the sound strategy, a clear mission, and the resources that they need to get the job done.”
John Kerry has worked on the Iran-Contra scandal, global AIDS, chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, he worked to learn the truth about American soldiers missing in Vietnam and to normalize relations with that country. He is the ranking Democrat on the East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, and the leading expert on that region, including North Korea.
He has been a leading voice on American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terrorism, the Middle East peace process and Israel's security.
Today, Senator Kerry is the tenth most senior Senator and the second longest serving Senator in his seat. He also holds senior positions on the Finance, Commerce, and Small Business Committees .During his service in the Senate for almost 30 years, John Kerry has earned the respect and confidence from his senate colleagues both Democrat and Republican as well as world leaders.
John has been instrumental in advancing many of the President’s foreign policies. Including the “ratification of the New START Treaty, the challenges of Sudan and South Sudan and Afghanistan.”